Friday, August 22, 2008

Moving to Marketing

I've been waiting to hear back for a while now on a position I applied for in the Marketing department where I work. I was offered the postition on Wednesday and I'm ridiculously excited! I'll be working on the Events Staff, helping to plan and present the many fun conventions and training sessions that my company puts together, as well as get a little more writing and travel experience as well! I'm really hoping that this experience will open up an awesome doorway of opportunity as I build my career.


  1. Hmmm, a business trip to AZ???

  2. Yay that sounds so exciting... We hope to see you soon one way or another. It sounds like life is moving right along for you though!

  3. Congrats! That's awesome about the job!

    So I just found put you have a blog and I'm really excited because now our whole measer 74 apt. has them! yay!
