Monday, August 11, 2008

YSA Summit

I spent this last weekend at my first YSA (Young Single Adult) Conference at the Salt Lake City Institute near the U. I honestly wasn't sure what to expect, having never been to one, but really had a great time. I took four classes:
  1. All These Things Shall Give The Experience (Scott Featherstone)
  2. Deciding to Decide (Dave Ulrich)
  3. The 7 Laws of Attraction (Dan Clark)
  4. How to Know When the Holy Ghost is Speaking to You (Dean Kaelin)

Saturday night I went back to a Dance/Carnival where I had the chance to make some new friends. Then on Sunday, Steve Young spoke at a fireside in the Salt Lake Tabernacle...I was on about the 5th row. 'Twas awesome! Overall an amazing experience. I'm planning to go back next year.


  1. Fun! I miss this kind of stuff - enjoy it while you are able to go to these things!
