- Family
- Friends
- Memories
- Nature
- Monophobia (fear of being alone) - I love the quiet moments of solitude, but I think there is this latent fear of being alone especially when surrounded by people who are not alone. I think this is also tied directly to my sense of ochlophobia (fear of crowds) - I can't stand wandering through crowds unless I have someone I know and trust right behind me. This also of course might actually be Anuptaphobia (fear of staying single)... but I'm not sure that's really as big of a fear for me as it used to be.
- Claustrophobia (fear of small spaces) - This is made even more acute when I am in an elevator (remnants of watching Ghost Dad too much as a child), and even worse if there are lots of people in the elevator.
- Nyctophobia (fear of night or darkness) - Clarification, it is not actually the night that I am afraid of, but of the strange sounds that my imagination places in the darkness... Sometimes it totally sucks having a hyperactive imagination!
- Arithmophobia (fear of numbers) - Not gonna lie, that's just how it is. Basically all things math...
- (This is a cool website. You might be surprised what fears actually have real "phobia" names. For example, fear of the number 666 is Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia - which I must admit is a really cool word; fear of chins is Geniophobia; fear of France or French things is Francophobia; and Papyrophobia, which is the fear of paper. There's some pretty crazy stuff...)
4 Current Obsessions or Collections
- I collect Thimballs (my one on-going collection) Cows, and Wolves (tho both are mostly a thing of the past... probably because I have so many cow and wolf nick-knacks already.)
- I am completely, unconditionally, and - at times - uncontrollably addicted to Fritos.
- I am also considered a bibliophile, a person that loves and collects books. The rare thing is that I also actually read all of my books... something that not all bibliophiles do.
- I love playing ultimate frisbee.
4 Surprising Facts
- My first surprising fact is that I don't really think that I'm that surprising of a person. I'm a "what you see is what you get" person, pretty genuine through and through. Is that surprising?
- I really miss doing yard work and having a garden. (This is surprising considering how much I complained about these "chores" when younger... but not really surprising if you've been to my apartment and seen my collection of plants.)
- I really love vegetables, even the ones no one really likes - brussels sprouts, spinach, cabbage, asparagus.
- I'm clinically not supposed to eat pizza.
4 Places I Go Over & Over
- Draper
- Provo
- California
- Arizona
4 Places I Like to Eat
- Happy Sumo Sushi Bar (or Sushiya if I'm in Provo)
- Texas Road House
- Paradise Bakery
- Chevy's (*tear* They took it away!)
4 Places I Want to Be Right Now
- Arizona
- California
- Provo
- Traveling elsewhere
4 TV Shows I Like
- Chuck
- So You Think You Can Dance
- Pushing Daisies
- BYU Football
- (I don't really watch TV...)
4 Books I've Read Recently
- Evil Penguins (by Elia Anie)
- Trevayne (by Robert Ludlum)
- Terminal Man (by Michael Crichton)
- Breaking Dawn (by Stephanine Meyer)
Man, enjoy your time you have to read.....I wish wish wish I could read more. :o/