Some days we can't see The joy that surrounds us
So caught up inside ourselves We take when we should give.
So for tonight we pray for What we know can be.
And on this day we hope for What we still can't see.
It's up to us to be the change And even though we all can still do more
There's so much to be thankful for.
I really wanted to start this post off with this simple thought from my favorite Josh Groban song, Thankful. It really kind of epitomizes my thoughts and feelings as I've gone through "life as it is" the last few days. I have several close friends and family members that are going through personal trials right now that have allowed me a certain perspective in my own life and how blessed I truly am... I just seem to forget it a little too often.
Almost exactly a year ago, the bishop of my singles ward challenged each of us to keep a gratitude journal for a few weeks' time. I am usually running late on everything, so my gratitude diary didn't officially take effect until January 1st, 2009 when I reread President Henry B. Eyring's October 2007 General Conference talk, O Remember, Remember. I was really struck by the words he received through personal revelation, "I’m not giving you these experiences for yourself. Write them down." I looked up thanksgiving in the Topical Guide of my scriptures and also read, "...that ye live in thanksgiving daily, for the many mercies and blessings which he doth bestow upon you" in Alma 34:38. It became an unofficial New Years' resolution at that time to write down each day something I was grateful for, and while I will occassionally miss a day, I have gone back the next day. I have recorded something I was grateful for each day so far in 2009, and I have found this process so rewarding that I plan to continue it into the next year. I am not very good at keeping a regular journal, so my gratitude diary has become just that... at least for now.
Some days I forget to look around myself, and so when I go to bed those nights and make my daily gratitude diary entry it's challenging - but I'm getting better at noticing... and remembering. Some days the things I find cause me to laugh a few days later, and some days they make me cry. Some days I'm grateful for the people I was with, and some days I'm grateful for an experience. Some days it is something simple, and some days I am grateful for things it is hard to be grateful for. But every day, I am grateful. And it has changed my life.
I've listed below a few of the things I was grateful for this year:
- I am grateful for the peace of the outdoors when they're covered in a quiet blanket of snow.
- I am grateful for calculators!
- I am grateful for the fact that rice will hold heat for a long time and keep my feet warm.
- I am grateful for dentists - that some crazy people out there actually like looking at other peoples teeth.
- I am grateful for sushi!
- I am grateful for the company of great books, for the escape, adventure, and understanding they provide. I am grateful when books cause me to laugh out loud.
- I am grateful for my "new" purple bath rug and that Rachael and I had such a good laugh about that today. How does green change to purple?!
- I am grateful for crimping irons, blue eye shadow, and 80's music! I am grateful for the great influence music has had on my life and that there really is something for every mood!
- I am grateful for tissues and Vic's Vapor Rub! I am grateful for my humidifier.
- I am grateful for tampons. Not gonna lie - could NOT live with out them. Saved me today.
- I am grateful for smiles and laughing so hard it hurts.
- I am grateful for socks!
- I am so grateful for the time I had to spend getting to know each of my grandparents. I really missed them today.
- I am grateful for the temple.
- I am grateful that I have a job and the ability to provide for my needs.
- I am grateful for the blessings of tithing.
- I am grateful for whoever put pineapple and coconut together - such a great combo!
- I am grateful for honest people. My car was backed into last night and it was awesome to find a note on my car letting me know what happened and who to contact.
- I am grateful for humility, especially that which makes us teachable and willing to accept and admit a mistake.
- I am grateful for the blessings of the priesthood.
- I am grateful for the gift of forgiveness.
- I am grateful for my trials, for the things they teach me and the ways they inspire me to become more than I am.
- I am grateful for the amazing friends I have and all that I learn from their great examples.
- I am grateful for my family! I am grateful for Caylee's silly-silly dance. I am grateful for Cambree and the sweet little blessing she is in our family. I am grateful for how perfectly Spencer fits into our family, and that Julie was so blessed to find him. I am grateful for Mom's intuition and that she's knows just what to say. I am grateful for the time I got to spend with Dad this weekend. I am grateful for the time Julie and I got to spend talking today - I miss her a lot. I am grateful that Kimmy can make me laugh, even if I don't want to.
- I am grateful that no matter what happens, I will always have a home to go home to.
- I am grateful for the gospel's guiding influence in my life. I think that without it I would lose hope in the world that I now live in. With the gospel, I see so much for joy, happiness, faith, and hope.
- I am grateful for my Savior, Jesus Christ - that He knows me, my happiness, sorrow, pain, and laughter. I am grateful that because of Him, I never have to be alone.
Lastly, please take a minute - you won't regret it - to watch this video, In the Spirit of Thanksgiving.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, wherever you are!
And in case you were wondering, I am thankful for YOU!